Bobath method-N.D.T. (Neurodevelopmental Treatment) was developed from 1948 onwards by Karel and Berta Bobath, doctor and physiotherapist respectively.
The two of them gave the original philosophy, the underlying assumptions and clinical observations, based on neurophysiological theory and were able to introduce a new method of physical therapy, initially for adults and then for children with cerebral palsy.
The method quickly found resonance and applied in most cases of patients with neuromuscular dysfunction, so far considered the most prevalent method.
In the 1970s Dr E. Kohn pediatric neurologist and a physiotherapist M. Quinton,
with their own experience with infants up to 12 months emphasized the importance of
early intervention NDT in neonates and infants.
“The Bobath approach treats sensory, perceptual and adaptive behavior as well as the disability problems of the patient.” This requires a multidisciplinary approach.
NDT / BOBATH is a dynamic, evolving intervention based on a team approach with a strictly structured assessment and intervention taking into consideration the active participation of the child and family as integral team members. Intervention is functional and measurable to achieve the desired objectives.
Emphasis is placed on operational performance of the individual and recognizes the importance of active participation.
The most important of the basic principles of the method are:
- The education and cooperation of parents is a prerequisite for the success of therapeutic targets.
- Emphasis on quality of movement.
- Target the function with respect to quality
- The therapeutic strategy is completely personalized.
- The person is treated as a whole -holistic approach.
- Developing and implementing individualized treatment plan and propose specific devices in collaboration with other members of the rehabilitation team.
- In the long-term goals its very important to prevent compensation leading orthopedic deformities.
Regarding therapeutic techniques, their inclusion in the therapeutic program is based on the mobility patterns of daily activity.
Therefore the aim of the Bobath method is that people with dysfunction of the Central Nervous System, regardless of etiology, should be directed so as to be as independently as possible and to prepare for a ‘normal’ teenage and adulthood life.